Search results for "x-gene"

OS- and Hypervisor-aware Debugging IN FEATURES & USE CASES


Benefit from having the same user experience, whether using it’s an emulation system or real target hardware that is under test; each scenario provides a system with consistent behavior.

We are here to help you.

Our logic analyzer extensions to debug and trace tools allow the recording of digital and analog signals, which can be correlated to the recorded program flow.

We support silicon IP solutions that enable full debug and trace functionality without limitations by using a USB connection between target and host computer.

Hexagon Debug & Trace Solutions IN SUPPORTED PLATFORMS

Benefit from our leading edge tools to debug Hexagon DSPs and HVX co-processors in Qualcomm Snapdragon Mobile, Snapdragon Automotive, Cloud AI and other chips.

Xtensa Debug & Trace Solutions IN SUPPORTED PLATFORMS

Using our tools you can simultaneously debug a wide variety of Xtensa cores - along with all of the other cores - in a chip via a single debug interface.

Our debug and trace tools support the largest number of chips and processor architectures in the embedded industry. Searches help to find your best solution.

In this section you will find our debug solutions for simulators, emulators, virtual targets, instruction set simulators as well as XCP- and USB debugging.

Trace Extensions IN PRODUCTS

Use our TRACE32 Trace Extensions to get full insights of your embedded system