TRACE32® Tool Qualification Support-Kit ( TQSK )


Your Trusted Tools for Functional Safety

Functional safety is a key requirement for safety-critical embedded systems. Qualification also includes the development tools used and their integration into the project environment. Our certified Tool Qualification Support Kits (TQSK) provide everything you need to qualify our TRACE32 solutions. Different TQSK variants prove the suitability of code coverage, debugging, and instruction set simulator for use in avionics, medical, automotive, railroad, or general industrial projects and reduce your time-to-market, effort, and costs.


Minimize Your Tool Qualification Efforts

While you have to provide evidence for the trustworthiness of all tools used, we can support you in ensuring that your final qualification can be performed with the least possible effort. Our TRACE32 TQSK includes all artifacts and the framework you require to perform and complete tool qualification for each safety level.

Reduce Your Effort and Costs

Our TRACE32 Tool Qualification Support Kits streamline your tool qualification effort and costs. It includes artifacts, templates, and test cases that you can adopt for different projects and architectures easily.

Measure Code Coverage for All Use Cases

Our Test Suite - Coverage includes statement and branch coverage, MC/DC, condition, function and call coverage. It supports source code coverage for C, assembly level coverage for executable object code, and Incremental as well as SPY Code Coverage modes.

Use Test Cases for All Common Debug Tasks

Our Test Suite - Debug provides test cases for all common debug tasks such as target configuration, loading/programming executables, start/stop program execution, access to variables/memory-mapped resources and configuring your devices for trace. It supports symmetric/asymmetric multiprocessing (SMP/AMP).

Trust Compliance to Automotive and Other Safety Standards

Even though this is not required by ISO 26262, we have subjected ourselves to an assessment by TUEV Nord to establish confidence in our pre-qualification and the resulting Tool Qualification Support Kit. Because of the similar qualification process, the results are also transferable to other safety standards.

Enjoy Full Support and Service for Tool Qualification

Our TRACE32 TQSK Customer Interface provides full support and service around tool qualification. You can take advantage of our world-class support for your tool qualification as you would for any other of our products.

Cover Your Future Use Cases and Requirements

Our TRACE32 TQSK is fully featured, field-proven and ready to cover new use cases and requirements. For example, if you use a special instruction set for AI accelerators or DSPs today or in the future, we can offer you a solution based on our TQSK for that as well.

Use Test Suites for Real Targets and Simulators

All test suites run in your target environment as well as in our TRACE32 Instruction Set Simulators. Currently we provide test suites for our TriCore (including TC4x) and M68060 instruction set simulators, additional test suites for our Arm Instruction Set Simulator will be provided in the near future.


The TQSK for All of Your Embedded Applications

Several safety-critical industries need to comply with safety standards. Some safety standards focus on safe software development processes, others focus on system safety requirements. Our TQSK covers all the key standards that you need to fulfill in the development process of Embedded Systems in order to declare that a product is functionally safe.


IEC 61508
The Umbrella Standard

IEC 61508 is the umbrella safety standard. It covers electric, electronic, and programmable electronic safety-related systems. This standard ensures risk reduction through Safety Integrity Levels (SILs 1–4).


ISO 26262

ISO 26262 is the safety standard for the automotive industry. It covers electric and electronic systems in production vehicles. This standard uses Automotive Safety Integrity Levels (ASILs A–D) to measure risk.


IEC 62304
Medical Devices

IEC 62304 is a safety standard used in the medical device industry. It covers software lifecycle processes. This standard uses software safety classification (Classes A–C) to set requirements based on risk.


DO 178C

DO-178C is a certification standard for software used in airborne systems. It concentrates on objectives for software life-cycle processes. DO-178C determines five Safety levels by examining the effects of a failure condition in the system.


EN 50128

The European Standard EN 50128 specifies the process and technical requirements for the development of software for programmable electronic systems for use in railway control and protection applications.


How Our 2-Stage Qualification Process Works for You

While every tool vendor including us can pre-qualify its tools, the final qualification has to be done by yourself in your specific project environment. The reason is that usually the vendor's pre-qualification environment is different from your environment, including different target architectures, toolchains, host interfaces and host operating systems. If only one of these parameters in your project environment differs from the vendor’s environment used for pre-qualification, an adaptation of test cases and documents is mandatory for your final tool qualification.

To support you in qualifying our TRACE32 debug and trace tools, we prepared the documentation required for the qualification process, developed appropriate test suites for each use case of our tools, performed a prequalification, and made the resulting data available to you in the form of our Tool Qualification Support-Kit (TQSK). You can adopt the pre-qualified test suites to your chips / architectures, easily.

Test Suite - Coverage 

Prequalified with the following chips / architectures:

  • TI Hercules RM57Lx -Arm Cortex-R5
  • NXP MPC5777M - PowerPC MPC55xx
  • Infineon Aurix TC297TF - TriCore TC27x
  • ST Microelectronics Stellar SR6P7G7 - Arm Cortex-R52
  • NXP MPC565 - PowerPC MPC500
  • NXP M68060 - 68060

Test Suite - Debug 

Prequalified with the following chips / architectures:

  • Infineon Aurix TC297TF - TriCore TC27x

Test Suite Simulator

Qualify TRACE32 Instruction Set Simulators in your Safety-related Projects 

We also provide test suites for our TriCore (including TC4x), and M68060 Instruction Set Simulators. A qualified instruction set simulator is an accepted test environment in the software module testing phase of the project and offers the following advantages:

  • Product software qualification can start before product hardware is available. 
  • The qualification of the product software can be well organized even in a distributed team, because everything necessary is purely software-based. 
  • If bottlenecks occur during this phase due to a lack of development hardware or debug/trace tools, additional test benches can be easily equipped with simulators.
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