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The AUTO26 Debug Probe supports a wide range of processor architectures and automotive requirements which make it unique in the embedded industry.

PowerTrace supports you in bringing your embedded designs to market faster and more reliably than ever, while creating a safer and more stable product.


Using our tools you can debug and control any ARC core - along with all of the other cores - in a chip via a single debug interface, all at the same time.

Trace Probes IN PRODUCTS

Our trace probes support trace connectors, pinouts, and electrical needs for various architectures and SoCs. We have the right probe to connect your target's trace port smoothly to the PowerTrace module.

Our Instruction Set Simulator is the perfect complement to our debug tools. It provides the same look and feel as a real debugger connected to a real target.

TriCore Debug & Trace Solutions IN SUPPORTED PLATFORMS

TriCore has become the de-facto processor for modern automotive systems. We offer a number of debug and trace solutions for all TriCore devices.

PowerDebug is a powerful, modular, flexible debug system that provides the broadest coverage of supported chips and core architectures in the embedded industry.

Multicore Debugging & Tracing IN FEATURES & USE CASES

Our debug and trace tools support both SMP systems (Symmetric Multiprocessing) and AMP systems (Asymmetric Multiprocessing).