Search results for "atsame54p20a"


Benefit from having the same user experience, whether using it’s an emulation system or real target hardware that is under test; each scenario provides a system with consistent behavior.

"Benefit from working with a system with a consistent behavior in any scenario...." "Get easy access to emulation systems The GTL API provides a standardized software interface between the..." "Using the physical layer transactors empowers you to perform realistic tests, as close to a physical..." "This can be done by either using a dedicated core running Linux in the target system that executes a..." "part of the Lauterbach Debug Driver software stack or by implementing a GTL plug-in on the host side...."

Our logic analyzer extensions to debug and trace tools allow the recording of digital and analog signals, which can be correlated to the recorded program flow.

"multiple separate tools has been required to sample program flow and logic signals, making correlation a..." "With TRACE32, you can drive both tools from a single UI with cross-triggering and a common timestamp,..." "Using a familiar interface and tool suite reduces training time and makes you more productive, allowing..." "TRACE32 Instruction Set Simulator or a third-party application...." "If you want to place a quotation request, please contact our sales teams in your location...."

Intel Debug & Trace Solutions IN SUPPORTED PLATFORMS

Analyze Intel® SoC designs with both the x86 and other Instruction Sets, from a single core Intel® Quark™ to multicore Core™ or Xeon™ application processors.

"SoCs Analyze any Intel® SoC design implementing both the x86 and other Instruction Sets (ISA), from a..." "View all RELATED PRODUCTS TRACE32 Related Products for Intel 22 products(s) found Name A-Z Name Z-A 1..." "Bundle Intel MIPI60-Cv2 to ARM 20 LA-2728 See details Add to cart Conv...." "FPC-41 LA-3861 | On request, please contact Lauterbach See details Add to cart Converter MIPI60-C/-P..." "x86/x64 Single MIPI60-Q Long LA-4616 See details Add to cart Prepro. for Intel® PT AUTOFOCUS MIPI60-P..."


Using our tools you can debug any RISC-V core - along with all of the other cores - in any chip via a single debug interface, all at the same time.

"Core in Any Chip Analyze any design implementing the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), from a..." "single tiny microcontroller using an RV32, to a massive multicore application processor, that uses the..." "tools you can debug and control any RISC-V core (along with all of the other cores) in any SoC via a..." "View all Flash Devices We support the programming of a large variety of flash devices...." "View all RELATED PRODUCTS TRACE32 Related Products for RISC-V 26 products(s) found Name A-Z Name Z-A..."

RH850 Debug & Trace Solutions IN SUPPORTED PLATFORMS

From very low-power single-core chips up to high-performance multicore chips, your RH850 application can be improved using our Debug and Trace Tools.

"amp; Trace OVERVIEW Any RH850 Core in Any Chip Control and trace the RH850 cores in your chip using a..." "The RH850 on-chip trace supports all the features of a powerful off-chip trace...." "Only a debug module needed...." "TRACE32 allows you to inspect the interaction of the cores in a single trace log...." "View all RELATED PRODUCTS TRACE32 Related Products for RH850 23 products(s) found Name A-Z Name Z-A 1..."

PowerTrace supports you in bringing your embedded designs to market faster and more reliably than ever, while creating a safer and more stable product.

"Capture everything Record those ‘one in a million’ events and discover why they happen...." "mix of heterogenous or homogenous processor architectures using a single trace tool...." "– it could be just a flex-cable or passive trace adapter...." "application on a higher level...." "Arm’s System Trace Macrocell (STM) implements such a system trace...."

Our CombiProbe 2 is a compact debug and trace system that provides our full feature set to embedded systems with compact trace ports of up to 4 bits wide.

"If your SoC supports a suitable flow trace, the recorded signals can be correlated, giving you a clear..." "Know the AutoFocus technology MIPI20T-HS Whisker Use case: Debugging and system trace via a MIPI-20 connector..." "a safe state...." "A TAP is the connection to the debug infrastructure within a chip...." "application on a high level...."

Multicore Debugging & Tracing IN FEATURES & USE CASES

Our debug and trace tools support both SMP systems (Symmetric Multiprocessing) and AMP systems (Asymmetric Multiprocessing).

"You can combine them for debugging via a daisy-chain (JTAG), a star topology (cJTAG/SWD) or by using..." "two whiskers with a CombiProbe...." "Massive Multicore Debugging in a Single GUI Even without a Hypervisor, PowerView allows you to group..." "Therefore, transferring a small on-chip trace buffer to the host-PC is out of the question You need a..." "The chip is limited to a debug port and has not implemented a separate trace port...."

We support silicon IP solutions that enable full debug and trace functionality without limitations by using a USB connection between target and host computer.

"trace targets without physical access to the Debug/Trace interfaces, e.g. if the target is located in a..." "several silicon IP solutions that enable full debug and trace functionality without limitations by using a..." "Debug and trace targets in a closed chassis While debugging via JTAG requires direct access to the PCB..." "The TRACE32® software implements two parts, a front end and a back end...." "The communication is based on messages which are routed by a message engine...."

PowerDebug E40 IN PRODUCTS

PowerDebug E40 is a modern, high-performance, flexible debug tool that allows to seamlessly transition from one embedded target to another.

"cores via just a single PowerDebug E40...." "Multiple target architecture licenses can be added to a single debug probe with a simple digital upgrade..." "a single PowerDebug E40 and a single debug probe...." "If a new target device uses a different electrical connection, you will only need to update the debug..." "PowerDebug E40 with an IDC20A Debug Probe provides a standard configuration for debugging of a large..."