Search results for "cortex-a55"

Intel Debug & Trace Solutions IN SUPPORTED PLATFORMS

Analyze Intel® SoC designs with both the x86 and other Instruction Sets, from a single core Intel® Quark™ to multicore Core™ or Xeon™ application processors.

PowerTrace supports you in bringing your embedded designs to market faster and more reliably than ever, while creating a safer and more stable product.

PowerDebug X50 IN PRODUCTS

PowerDebug X50 is the most advanced debug tool created so far. Is the gateway to unlimited debug capabilities meeting your challenges today and in the future.

Ensure Perfect Recordings for High-Speed Parallel Trace Ports.

We support silicon IP solutions that enable full debug and trace functionality without limitations by using a USB connection between target and host computer.

Our Instruction Set Simulator is the perfect complement to our debug tools. It provides the same look and feel as a real debugger connected to a real target.

Functional Safety & Code Quality IN FEATURES & USE CASES

Our Tool Qualification Support Kit minimizes your Debug- and Trace-Tool Qualification Efforts and Costs in Safety-related embedded Projects

Lauterbach is represented in all countries at the forefront of embedded design market and international sales.

Our PowerTrace II Lite trace module for mid- and low-speed cores lets you record system behavior in real-time without influencing the system operation.

Vendor: Arm Family: Cortex-A_Armv7