Search results for "cortex-m0"

PowerTrace supports you in bringing your embedded designs to market faster and more reliably than ever, while creating a safer and more stable product.

Ensure Perfect Recordings for High-Speed Parallel Trace Ports.


With over 40 years of real-time embedded design experience, the engineering team at Lauterbach are there to help you get the most from the tools: timely support, processor expertise, rapid support for new processors, and lifetime product support.

Intel Debug & Trace Solutions IN SUPPORTED PLATFORMS

Analyze Intel® SoC designs with both the x86 and other Instruction Sets, from a single core Intel® Quark™ to multicore Core™ or Xeon™ application processors.

We support silicon IP solutions that enable full debug and trace functionality without limitations by using a USB connection between target and host computer.

Our Instruction Set Simulator is the perfect complement to our debug tools. It provides the same look and feel as a real debugger connected to a real target.

Debugger for TriCore Standard (16-pin) IN PRODUCT CATALOG
LA-7756 | Out of production

supports TriCore, PCP and GTM supports JTAG and DAP includes software for Windows, Linux and MacOSX requires Power Debug Module supports 16-pin standard JTAG 10-pin DAP interface requires LA-3815 and debug cable with serial number higher than C0809xxxxxxx Concurrent debugging of multiple TriCore cores on multicore processors requires a License for Multicore Debugging (LA-7960X) debugging HSM requires Cortex-M license LA-7844A (JTAG Debugger License for CORTEX-M Add.)

Functional Safety & Code Quality IN FEATURES & USE CASES

Our Tool Qualification Support Kit minimizes your Debug- and Trace-Tool Qualification Efforts and Costs in Safety-related embedded Projects

Trace License for Arm (Debug Cable) IN PRODUCT CATALOG

Trace license to decode ETM traces emitted by Arm cores. Not required to decode ETM trace emitted by a Cortex-M core. Usually only required for on-chip trace, as the tools for off-chip trace usually include a trace license already. Please add the base serial number of your existing debug cable or CombiProbe to your order.

Our PowerTrace II Lite trace module for mid- and low-speed cores lets you record system behavior in real-time without influencing the system operation.